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Tuesday, 13 July 2021

John Carden the haberdasher, 1630


John Carden the haberdasher, 1630

 Some readers may have purchased a copy of my CARDEN IN AMERICA SUPPLEMENT in which I have tried to record for posterity some of the research on the family carried out by earlier generations, including such people as Nils Haag, Branch Jackson, Dr Thom Carden and others. Their research seldom quotes sources, which are sometimes mentioned in other documents.

Dr Thom stated:

[In one form of the story] The John Carden is documented as marrying M. Hedger in 1578 at Hillington Parish, Middlesex, England, had two children we know of.  John’s son John II was a haberdasher of hats and caps in the area known as “The roll of tobacco.” We know that he paid rent to Giles De Butt until 1631 when he moved his family to County Chester, Ireland

The following appears in the records of the Society of Genealogists in London.

Hillingdon Middx Marriages, Trsc T Gurney 1809

John Carden & Elyzabeth Hedger   13 July 1578

Peter Fletcher & Elysebeth Carden    11 April 1597

This was clearly Dr Thom’s source, though he spelled Hillingdon incorrectly.


Going through old papers I have just found the following 2002 message from Chuck Carden, which is clearly the source of most of Dr Thom’s other information quoted above.  But he is quite wrong about Ireland.  Chester is in England, and my own research shows that the Cardens of Tipperary emigrated from Cheshire.  Oddly enough Chester is a town in Cheshire, not a County in Ireland.


Well, I guess there really was a JOHN CARDEN, Haberdasher in London (proved by the attached will of Giles DeButt). But, is this our John who supposedly came on the "Speedwell" in 1635???   Chuck.


>From "Genealogical Gleanings in England" Vol. #1, by Henry F. Waters. Published by Genealogical Pubiishing Company, 1969. (Orange County California Genealogical Society call number G942.Rec26.13-1)


GILES DE BUTT of Hackney, Middlesex gent 8 February 1631, proved 14 March 1632. To my brother in law Mr.  Peter Bonny  ten  pounds and unto my kinsman Enoch  Lynde  likewise  ten  pounds,  with  mourning  apparel  to  them and their wives and children.  To Mathew  Lynd  son  unto  Enoch  Lynd if in  case he continues his study and shall follow it so long till he proceeds Master of Arts, then at his going out Master I do give him twenty pounds. To my brother Josse de Quester I give ten pounds for mourning. To my two cousins Jean and Clays Velinges to either of them I give forty shillings to make either of them a ring for a remembrance of me. To my cousin Susan Terray now  the wife of Maruschall and to Susan Dangnow now the wife of Cooper I give to either of them, five pounds. To the minister of the parish where it shall please God that I shall be buried forty shillings. To my maid servant Susan who now bath dwelt with me about ten years I give ten pounds to be paid her at her day of marriage. To Margaret our maid servant if she dwell with me when I die four pounds. To the poor of St. Andrew Hubbard in East Cheape five pounds. To the poor of Hackney five pounds. To the poor of the French congregation five pounds. To the poor of the Dutch congregation forty ponnds. Other bequests to the poor in various hospitals and prisons. To John Hoult my son in law five ponnds for monrning. To my wife Anna de Butt my capital messuage in Thames Street called the three Tuns now or late in the occnpation of Mrs. Mary Hearewyn widow and her son in law Timothy van Vlettend, Dutch minister, and Jeremy Loveland, merchant, and others, so long  as she shall live sole and unmarried. But if she choose to marry my son James shall have and enjoy one half the rents and profits &c. during my wife's life time, and at her death I give all my capital messuage and tenements, houses &c. to my son. To my said son James my two houses in Tower Street which I have bought of William Perkins, called the Roll of Tobacco, and now in the occupation of John Carden, haberdasher of hats and caps and William Hyde a tailor. "And whereas I hold by lease from the parishioners of the, parish of St. Andrew Hubart in East cheape a Messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances and beinge in Bottellane in London and now in the occupation of my kinsman Mr Enoch Lynde" I do will and appoint that my wife shall have hold and enjoy the said messuage and the ciear yearly rent thereof during so long of the term to come in the said lease as she shall be living. My wife and son James to be the executors of this my last will, and for overseers I name and appoint Mr. Matthew de Quester Esq. and Air. Robert Cudnor and my kinsman Enoch Lynde praying them to assist my said executors with their good counsel and advice. Reference to a gift my son was to have

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I will enter a copy of this blog post in the above SUPPLEMENT.  I hope someone is studying the origins in England of the early Carden immigrants to Virginia.


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