Ted wrote in 2018:
Sorry about the get together. I’m due to be shooting pheasants in Scotland at that time. Back from South Africa 2 months ago having harvested a very large Cape buffalo and a Nyala to add to my collection of 2 elephants, 4 bears, 3 lions, one leopard and multiple plains game animals. The cycle car is in the Peterson museum in Los Angeles. It was a real pile of rubbish. Leaking oil all over so I unloaded it!!! I'm still racing cars and will be at Monterey racing in May. I have a very rare race car, a Chevron B 2.. Look it up on Google .My car is the blue car with an orange nose. There are only 4: 3 are in England. Yes that’s me in the car.
Sorry about the get together. I’m due to be shooting pheasants in Scotland at that time. Back from South Africa 2 months ago having harvested a very large Cape buffalo and a Nyala to add to my collection of 2 elephants, 4 bears, 3 lions, one leopard and multiple plains game animals. The cycle car is in the Peterson museum in Los Angeles. It was a real pile of rubbish. Leaking oil all over so I unloaded it!!! I'm still racing cars and will be at Monterey racing in May. I have a very rare race car, a Chevron B 2.. Look it up on Google .My car is the blue car with an orange nose. There are only 4: 3 are in England. Yes that’s me in the car.
Not bad for a 78 year old (born 1939).
The post below will be found among 'Older Posts' and was dated 14 July 2008.
The post below will be found among 'Older Posts' and was dated 14 July 2008.

Edward Carden (Ted) is a distinguished Anaesthologist - see Google for his many qualifications and publications. He is a member of the Rigsby, Lincolnshire branch of our family. He emigrated when young and now lives in Los Angeles. He is a flamboyant character who loves motor racing, big game hunting, and in November 2008 was in England shooting pheasants.
The illustration is a 1921 Carden Cyclecar which he has just purchased from a museum in Germany. He hopes to drive it on the road to exhibitions in California. A chapter in the book CARDEN OF TEMPLEMORE gives details of the car and its designer Sir John Valentine Carden.
Hi there,
i'm trying to get in touch with the Cardens from Templemore, Tipperary to discuss some family history research I'm doing on my family that could be tenants of the Cardens. I've sent an email via your blog, but just want to get in contact here as well as to the best contact to speak to in the family? Thank you so much! Abbie.
Thanks for taking the time to share this wonderful post with us. It was just so great to see this beauty looking so excellent in the photo. Have a great rest of your day and keep up these informative posts.
Greg Prosmushkin
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